The Utility Warehouse


Search for a company by name, product or service to find company information, such as, web address and contact information.

FOR BEST RESULTS - enter a company name, if you know it.  If you are searching by product or service, enter the word or words that provide the best description.  The search engine will return companies having  all  these  words present (this is an "and" search).   Start a search using one word and then add more words to narrow your search.  Example: If you are looking for a motor company, you should begin your search using "motor."   If this search results in too many companies, use "DC motor" or "motor DC" which  will limit your search to Companies having the words "motor" and "DC" present. 

For text string (exact phrase) searches, enclose the phrase in quotes, and only companies having that exact phrase will be found.

Please contact us if you have any questions or need assistance.    Ph: (503) 351-9898    ©1995-2015: RMA Inc.