45MVA CHP Fossil/Biomass Plants for Sale
2 each 45MVA CHP plants operating on biomass and fossil fuel.

Milt Fyre   503-351-9898 or milt@rmaglobal.com

45MVA CHP Fossil/Biomass Plants for Sale. Two Identical 45 MVA, multi-fuel CFB boiler-STG operational power plants for sale for continued operation or for moving to buyer's site. Power Plant sites are 80 & 160 acres. NG pipeline, water, substation and transmission, industrial zoning. Adjacent electrical load and contracted steam host. The plants were originally designed and built and still can operate on 100% coal. They operated on 100% coal until the 1990's when pet coke capability was added and permitted to take advantage of local refinery pet coke supplies and pricing. The plant have tested and co-fired up to approximately 20- 25% nut shell biomass and can be converted to run on 100% biomass.   If converted to biomass on site, there are potential renewable energy tax credits available.   There is a local supply of bio-fuels to operate each plant on 100% bio-fuels.   Both plants are in excellent condition.   Documents and spare parts are available.   Plants can be purchased separately as operating plants or for removal.  

Here are some images of one of the plants.  The plants are identical.   

Milt Fyre   503-351-9898 or milt@rmaglobal.com

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